Questions & Answers - CEMEX UAE ReadyMix
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Concrete consists of a mix of ingredients, including Portland cement, pozzolans, water, coarse aggregates, fine aggregates, and additives. Concrete may also contain mineral colors, granulated blast-furnace slag, and blended cements. When fresh, concrete can be molded hours after it is produced. Once the initial set time is reached, the concrete continues to gain strength.
Scientists use compression and flexural mechanical strength tests to determine the strength of concrete. The strength of concrete depends to a large degree on the water-cement ratio, and the quality of the aggregates and paste in the cement.
All Ready-mix concrete products are manufactured in accordance with applicable standards. CEMEX policies and procedures comply with ISO 9001, ISO14001 and OHSAS 18001 standards.
If for any reason, you have any concerns that the product fails to meet the specification, please send us a correspondence or put a note on the delivery ticket and send it to us as soon as possible and allow us a reasonable time to inspect the delivery. If necessary we’ll return the material to our plant for modification, however, if this is not possible, a replacement will be supplied. You will not be charged for any waste disposal or any replacement if the delivery is agreed to be out of specification
CEMEX offers a wide variety of high quality products such as Performance Concrete, Durable Concrete, High Strength Concrete, Pavement Concrete, Light Weight and Heavy Weight Concrete, Grouts, Architectural Concrete, and Customized Concrete. See our concrete products & solution.
It's simple. Concrete is used for the finished products, such as structures, foundations, and the surface of many roads. Concrete contains sand, gravel and cement. Cement is the special hardening ingredient (the gray powder) that makes concrete harden. Cement is usually made of 60% lime (limestone), 25% silica, 5% alumina, and 10% other materials, such as gypsum and iron oxide. (Content provided by the Mineral Information Institute, © 2002)
Concrete is measured by the cubic metre. One cubic metre of normal concrete will weigh about 2.4T/m3.
No. Concrete is made by mixing cement, aggregates and water together. When the water comes in contact with the cement a chemical reaction starts to take place. This chemical reaction is called hydration. Hydration is the reaction between the water and the chemicals in cement. This reaction forms new compounds and crystals interlocking themselves and the aggregates together. A majority of this reaction takes place over the first month after placing the concrete. Lesser amounts of additional reaction and strength gains could take place for years as long as moisture is still present to cause more hydration. When the concrete does finally dry out, it stops gaining strength.
First, concrete can be ordered in many colors. The natural color of concrete is gray because the color of the cement used to make it is typically gray. Now, the reason the cement is gray has to do with the manufacture of Portland Cement. In cement manufacturing, Iron Ore is used as one of the main constituents, and Iron Ore is black in color, so when it is combined and melted with the other materials it tints the cement gray.
Any paint store will have concrete stain or paint. Discuss how you want the floor to look and what function it will perform with the paint store manager, and he/she should be able to recommend the appropriate stain/paint.
Under normal conditions, concrete has a useable life of about 1 1⁄2 hours. However, in summer it will lose workability more rapidly. Ideally, it should be placed and finished within 1 hour of discharge from the truck-mixer.
This question can only be answered by the professionals associated with the project. Concrete cures at different rates depending on the constituent ingredients and the ambient conditions it is exposed to. Your contractor (concrete supplier) should know what sort of curing is required for the particular mix being used. Also, by following their recommendation, you can maintain whatever warranty might be associated with the work performed.
Typical mixes are around 8 - 20n/mm2, depending on the geography of the country and the quality of the raw materials. Sometimes we are asked if a different weight should be used for the garage area. This is not necessary. Usually the biggest load on a slab is the heaving from the sub grade and not the structure on top of it (or the car).
All concrete cracks. It has to crack because it contracts during the drying, curing, hardening process, and the bond between the cement paste and the aggregates is not strong enough to withstand that stress. The best way to prevent unsightly cracking is to put joints in your concrete at regular intervals. A good formula is to measure the depth of your structure and multiply the number by three. Use this number to determine the approximate number of feet between joints. (For example, a 100mm slab of concrete should have joints every 3 to 3.5 metres.) Uneven shifting of the substructure or sub grade can also cause cracking. This is a structural failure, as opposed to improper curing or jointing as mentioned above. Before repairing any concrete cracking, determine the source of the cracking and remedy that first. Epoxy grout is an excellent crack repair agent. For more information call our Product Support Helpline 800CEMEX4U.
Not really; it varies regionally. If you are estimating a project, call our local ready-mix sales team at 800CEMEX4U, and they can give you an estimate.
Commercial products are available in paint/hardware home centers. Sprinkle with tri-sodium phosphate. Allow to stand for 30 minutes, then scrub with a stiff brush and hot water. Rinse with clean water. Scrub stain with concentrated detergent using a stiff brush. Rinse well with water. Dry and repeat if necessary. Sprinkle dishwasher detergent on wet concrete. Let it stand a few minutes, then pour boiling water on the area. Scrub and rinse. Dissolve a cup tri-sodium phosphate in 1 gallon of hot water. Pour over stained concrete surface and allow soaking for 25 minutes. Scrub with stiff brush or broom. Rinse with clean water. Repeat if necessary.
Yes, a Health & Safety data sheet and a step-by-step guide to using concrete safely is available from our website
Because of the scheduling of deliveries, it is helpful to release the truck as quickly as possible. The free period we allowed is 60 minutes. Charge for waiting time will be incurred after the first 60-minute free period (vehicle arriving on site vs departure at site).
Yes, provided that the load has not already been dispatched.
Yes, providing there is no structural requirement we can advise on the types of mixes to be used for most jobs.
Every effort will be made to avoid cancellations to minimize opportunity losses. Orders that are rescheduled by the client, need to be confirmed before 6:00pm the day prior to avoid any interruptions nor delays.