Types of Concrete - CEMEX UAE ReadyMix
Types of Concrete
What is concrete?
Concrete is a composite consisting of the following main constituents: cement, aggregates, water, and admixtures. It is a material that can be cast into different shapes, is durable, is the most attractive construction material in terms of compressive strength (construction material with highest strength per unit cost), and its increasing use is fundamental for sustainable construction.
Ready-mix concrete
By far the most common type, accounts for nearly 75% of all concrete produced. Ready mix concrete delivery begins with batching at local plants and delivery in the familiar trucks with revolving drums.
Pre-cast concrete
Used in products that are shaped in a factory where quality control is tightly monitored. Pre-cast products range from huge bridge girders and complex structural components to standardized panels for cladding and smaller concrete bricks and paving stones.
Concrete masonry
Although best known for the venerable 8”x8”x16” building block, today’s masonry units can be molded into a myriad of shapes, configurations, colors, and textures to satisfy a seemingly infinite spectrum of building applications and architectural designs.
Cement-based materials
These products defy the label "concrete," yet share many of its desirable qualities. Soil-cement, roller-compacted concrete and cement bound granular mixture - "cousins" of concrete - are used for pavements and dams. Other products include flowable fill and cement treated bases. A new generation of advanced products incorporates fibers and special aggregates to create roofing tiles, shake shingles, lap siding, and countertops. Using cement to treat and stabilize waste is an emerging market.