Our Quality Standards - CEMEX UAE ReadyMix
Quality Standards
Highest Standards
CEMEX aim to consistently provide first class products and service to our customers here in the UAE. CEMEX understands the detrimental effects of failure to meet our customers’ expectations and are dedicated to delivering quality every time.
CEMEX demand quality from both our suppliers and ourselves to ensure that we provide the best products and service in the marketplace. To achieve this, CEMEX have established and operate a Quality Management System that meets the requirements of BS EN ISO 9001, BS OHSAS 18001 and BS EN ISO 14001 product conformity regulations and standards.
In addition, locally we meet the requirements of Dubai Central Laboratory for product conformity in concrete production and delivery facilities.
Each of our locations, is under the supervision of experienced quality control managers who lead a complete team for testing and verifying concrete quality.
Our structure allows for 24-hour supervision, in case immediate actions are necessary. Efficient quality control is further promoted through well-established communication channels between the quality control department and raw materials suppliers.
Procedures are in place to control:
- Management of Weighing equipment
- Managing residual materials in plant mixers & truck mixers
- Batching tolerances and weigh hopper tares
- Moisture content
- Batching
- Mixing times
- Workability control
- Admixture addition
- Production control of water cement ratio
All CEMEX batching plants are fully automated and controlled by the RMS system. The system automatically controls the exact batching requirements of each mix design to ensure consistency and accuracy of constituent parts.
For ready-mix production Quality Control, samples are taken at 1 in 120 -150m3 produced and are tested for compressive strength at both 7 and 28 days.
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